
Once the client’s condition has been assessed, and their needs and goals have been discussed, a blend of techniques will be used and amended as needed during the progress of treatment. The following list of approaches employ common massage techniques drawn from a variety of disciplines, which may include: swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, tuina, myofacial release, positional release, sotai, energy balancing, isometrics, isotonics and so on.

Orthopedic Massage

Orthopedic massage is an approach to treatment that relies upon sound clinical reasoning informed by ongoing robust assessment of the clients condition and the application of appropriate techniques, including established orthopedic tests.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a type of massage designed for highly active people who engage in athletics. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. Sports Massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body’s natural immune function.


Ortho-Bionomy is an Osteopathically based system of body therapy that dialogues with the body’s ability to heal.  By way of gentle movements, comfortable positioning, compression and subtle contact, self-correcting reflexes are stimulated bringing about ease of movement, natural re-alignment, relaxation, and relief from tension and pain. It is a profound way of remembering the ease and harmony we intuitively recognize. It is also received in loose fitting clothes and tailored to the individual’s needs. For more information about this approach, visit

Remote Session – via phone and/or video call

By applying the principles of Ortho-Bionomy to self-care techniques, symptoms can be relieved and ease of movement and functionality can return. A follow-up session in person is advised.

Intraoral Massage

Intraoral massage is applied to the muscles and soft tissue inside of the mouth. Focused treatment in the oral cavity can benefit people suffering from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, headaches and whiplash, and in particular individuals that have received extensive dental work. It is often received in conjunction with treatment of other areas of the body. (Endorsed by Washington State for Lic MA60206729)

Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy

“Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) combines manual, mindfulness and psycho-educational approaches to teach interoceptive awareness and related self-care skills. Interoceptive awareness is the ability to access and process sensory information from the body.” MABT provides alternative coping strategies for individuals living with chronic physical or mental health conditions, or in recovery from trauma or chemical dependency. MABT also promotes well-being in otherwise healthy individuals, an important component of preventative health care. For more information about this approach, visit Center for Mindful Body Awareness at

Cancer/Oncology Massage

Oncology massage is a special type of massage developed specifically for cancer patients. Cancer patients have unique needs which must be addressed to make sure that a massage is beneficial to their health. The focus of attention is on creating a gentle, nurturing environment for you to relax into. This is distinct from Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) and/or Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), both effective in treating lymphadema.